Day 266

Dash had an ok day.

He slept a lot, but had some good moments too. All in all, not much happened today.

Day 265

Dash had a good day.

We mostly just spent it in the living room. He had a few naps, some playtime and some crying fits. Katie made some phone calls to set up hone therapies for Dash.

My mom left to drive back to California. She’s been away from her home since February, living near us in Chicago and then living in our house during the summer. Having 2 adults in the house is a little harder than having 3, but we’ll figure it out.

Replacing his cannula with a new one did work for last night. He only had one or two moments where it popped out of his nose and the alarm sounded. I got more sleep than the last few nights. Though it felt more floppy when we put him to bed tonight, so we’ll see.

Day 264

Dash had an ok day.

We were woken up probably 10-12 times overnight because his prongs kept coming out. One of the times I did catch him sleeping on his stomach, so he’s learning to rollover.

There were bouts of crying and times where he played. He got a good nap while my mom held him and Katie and I went and bought a downstairs diaper pail and went to Costco. We loaded up on easy to prepare foods as things will get a little complicated as she’s headed home for awhile. Dash slept most of the time we were gone.

We sat him in his high chair and fed him puréed carrots which he was interested in at first, then wasn’t and had a meltdown. Then after like 10 minutes he started eating them again.

We replaced his nasal cannula for the first time since we’ve been home. The new one is very flexible compared to the old one. I’m not sure if it’s because the old one got stiff with age or what. But so far, it’s been staying in his nose. We also moved the tender grip stickers further away from his nose and closer to his temples, which was suggested in an infants with oxygen group. I think there’s a lot of ways to handle this issue and we’ll find one that works well eventually.

Day 263

Dash had a busy day.

I was woken up at 6:10 this morning when Katie told me Dash’s g-tube had come out. We’re not sure exactly how it happened, but it’s likely that it got snagged. Katie was holding him and felt moisture and then noticed it was completely out. His doctors and nurses told us that if this happens before his first g-tube replacement after 3 months, to go to the ER. After the 3 month appointment, we’ll be able to replace them ourselves, but that’s not until early September, so we went to the ER. Dash was happy the whole way and smiled as we put him in the car. After they checked us in she held him and he looked at the monitors in the room. Luckily the doctor was able to reinsert it easily and they did an x-ray to verify its position. We were home by 8:30 or so.

Later, his Katie’s brother and sister-in-law met him for the first time and he did pretty well. Olive is definitely playing the role of protector. She’s not snarling or being scary, but will hang out near him whenever the few times company is over.

We got a surprise box in the mail today that turned out to be a high-chair. It was a gift from one of my mom’s friends. When we ate dinner, Dash sat at the table and watched, though fell asleep instantly.

We’re having issues still with his cannula popping out regularly. When he’s sleeping and moves a bit it’ll pop out and his alarm will trigger a few minutes later. We tried some medical paper tape on either side of his nose. It hasn’t fixed things 100%, but his alarm has only gone off a few times in the last 3 hours.

I continued cleaning out the basement and garage. I rented a dumpster a few days ago, and I’m trying to fill it up as much as I can. I’m not being precious with the things I may have been in the past. I’m throwing out lots of miscellaneous computer/tv/video game cables that I’ve been holding on for years and consolidating momento boxes.

I accidentally threw out a mirror Katie had purchased and intended to keep. It had been stored alongside some random artwork that was scheduled for the dumpster. The mirror was in a rectangular box the same size and shape as the artwork and so I kind of just grabbed it all at once and tossed it. Later in the day, someone was rooting around for stuff in the dumpster and my mom told us they had taken the mirror which is when I realized I messed up. I feel bad about it. Mostly dumb for not paying attention. I’ll have to find her something comparable.

Day 262

Dash had a good day.

He’s been home for a full week. It’s both been quick and slow.

For the most part, he sleeps through the night, but his oxygen cannula will not stay in his nose when he tosses and turns. This will set off his pulse oxygen alarm and we’ll be up between feedings, which means we’re not getting much sleep. Katie’s getting less sleep than I am, because he it tends to happen right between her feedings, though I noticed bags under my eyes too. And I’m sore all the time and just feel awful.

Despite last night he had an active day. He played with both of us in the morning and hung out with my mom while we started cleaning out the basement. They played for what seemed like 2 hours.

Day 261

Dash had an ok day.

Between the late nights and daily routines, it’s getting difficult to distinguish the days.

My dad was able to meet Dash for the first time today. He brought us a nice welcome home cake. He was afraid to hold him for longer than 30 seconds, but he also hasn’t held a baby since my brother was born 35 years ago. He did refer to Dash as fragile, which I’ve heard a few times over the last few months. It’s a bit of a punch to the guts.

He ate puréed peaches at dinner and after a little meltdown, he loved them.

Day 260

Dash had a good day.

It was pretty relaxed. He spent most of the day in the living room being held, napping or playing with us.

We’ve set up a bit of a routine at night where Katie will go to bed at 10 and I’ll stay up until midnight and start a feed them go to bed. Katie will give him his next feed at 3am and then at 6 I’ll feed him unless Katie is up. The last few nights he’s pooped between 3 and 6 and he won’t go back to sleep. So Katie will change him and comfort him.

Day 259

Today's Weight: 12 lbs, 12.2 oz

Dash had an ok day.

He had his first visit with his pediatrician. Leaving the house was a little hectic, but once we got there, things were fine. He continued to grow in weight, but stayed the same height. We answered a lot of questions from his doctor, and relayed anything that we thought was important that may have been missed in his record.

He still seems to be spitting up due to the powdered formula, so we’re buying the ready made stuff for the time being and are going to slowly taper him. My mom went and bought out a Walmart and got like 8 boxes which is like 2.5 days worth.

Day 258

Dash had an ok day.

He’s been working on a poop for a while and we think it made him cranky. It could be the formula switch making him constipated.

He tried puréed pumpkins tonight and seemed interested in them but not excited. Olive was very excited about them though.

His first Pediatrician appointment is tomorrow morning. I’m curious to how it will go, since he has a long history of issues.

Day 257

Dash had an ok day.

He’s very much transitioning to home life. He didn’t cry as much today as yesterday and had some good interactive moments.

We figured out a place his oxygen concentrator can live without needing to move it with him when he goes upstairs. It makes our life a little bit easier.

Dash seems to be not liking the powdered formula, as he had several spit ups today. Not big ones, but they coincided with his feeds. We’re going to go back to the ready-made stuff for a bit and see how he does with that, just to rule something out.

We put him in his stroller and did a walk around the neighborhood. He’s still getting used to how bright the sun can be.